Introduction to Ancient Governments

  In this website you can find out about many of the different government systems, the important leaders of the empires and their reigning time, how the government changed over time, and how the different systems of government effected the life of the citizens, the army and who they conquered, and other empires around them.  
   In the ancient world of Greece and Rome there were many different forms of government that the empires went through during their time. These were always changing because of people coming in and taking over and great leaders taking over and helping the people move towards a better government, but then new leaders would wipe it away The empires used some of the same governments and some forms were special to one civilisation.The next paragraph will show you the different forms of government from the empires.

Many Government Systems

Here are the government systems that were used in ancient Greece and Rome:
  • Monarchy(usually in the form of an emperor, by hereditary or elective)
  • Tyranny(the ruler comes in and takes over by their own means)
  • Democracy("rule of the people"(only in Greece, and started in Athens)
  • Republic(the power is split between two consuls(in Rome only))
  • Oligarchy("rule of a few" the aristocrats were the rulers of the oligarchy)
  • Tetrarchy("the rule of four" started when Diocletian split the empire in two)
  • Aristocracy("the rule of the best")
  • Timocracy(only in Sparta)